Here we are…2018 is around the corner! In fact, this is the last business day of this year.
A lot of us are thinking about ways that we can do better or be better in the new year. After a couple months of indulging and hibernating 🐻from the cold, a lot of you might be thinking specifically about health goals. I get it. I’m right there with you.
The past few years, as we have worked on creating our Health Haven in our home, we have also changed up the way our goals look. I bought this chalk board piece and each year we sit down and pick two words we each want to focus on for the year.
Just two. Then we pick two as a family. I have this sitting in our living room all year round so it’s visible 😉
Even Kruz got two…he MASTERED talking but potty training will for sure be added back in for 2018 🚽🙄
Sure, I want to do 2 pull ups in 2018. I want to build strength, I want to do a few adventure races, make a small recipe book etc…but these two words are my focus. I want these words to soak into my spirit.
I would love to encourage you as an individual or/and as a family to come up with a focus for 2018. Do you want this year to be a year of minimalising? A year to focus on your Health Haven, a year to have more people in your home, a year to be more generous? Don’t come up with a list of 100 goals…just pick a couple words and let the decisions and goals you give yourself throughout the year fit INTO those two words. If they don’t help your Haven, your focus, your generosity etc…toss it!
I would ❤️ LOVE to hear a couple words you might choose!! The more you share the more accountability there is😉 Hence why the board is in our living area:) Comment your words below! In fact…if you comment your with your focus words for 2018 and tag 3 friends and even share this post then I will put your name in a drawing for the Health Haven calendar!!!
If your focus is around health, I would absolutely love to walk that road with you! I’m opening 4 client slots in the new year. If you would like more info on what I do and how I do it, then let’s set up a 30 minute FREE consult. Just message me right here on this Coach Steph page and we will set up a local meet up or a FaceTime call!
Cheers to 2018!!
#setyourintentions #simplegoalsetting #doyourgoalsmeetyourfocus #2018focus #freeconsults #letmehelpyou #healthhavencoach #buildyourhealthhaven #coachsteph