An Open Letter from Coach Steph
If you have landed on this page because you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer or you want to prevent it the best you can, you are in the perfect place.
This website was created several years ago when my health coaching practice was booming. I LOVED helping people create “health havens” in their home with the latest healthy/non-toxic products, shared recipes and ideas to lower stress. I loved sharing anything pertaining to health.
However, as life would have it, in January of 2020, my life came to a screeching halt when I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma after a routine mammogram. Life is not the same, it never will be, and for the most part☺, it’s been an (surprisingly) amazing journey from Cancering to Healing.
Now more than two years later, this website and my life’s purpose has also been transformed. My focus is different. I feel I’ve walked through this cancer journey so that I could not only help YOU walk through it differently but also because I can actually UNDERSTAND the journey you are embarking on. This is not just for you. This is for your healing team/caregivers, your friends, family and practitioners.
I was given a mountain to climb to show others it can be done and I’m here to walk it with you. I want to show you a way of healing through cancer that looks different than what the conventional medical field might look like. I want to show you a world where both conventional and holistic medicine come together in a beautiful partnership.

Because I chose an integrative route to healing, I became keenly aware of the lack of information and resources for those that wanted to heal in a multi-faceted way. My hope is that the rebirth of this page will bring you resources, ideas, information, products, some laughter and most of all hope in your journey from Cancering to Healing.

A little about me
Stephanie earned her Bachelor of Arts in exercise science from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, TX. She spent 16 years helping employees in corporate America reach fitness and nutritional goals while leading personal and group training classes across South/Central Texas. She has also started two outdoor fitness companies in two countries. Currently residing in San Antonio, Texas, Stephanie holds a holistic health coach certification from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She is currently enrolled in the Terrain Advocate program to receive her certificate through the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health.